DPO external for your compliance with the GDPR

The Data Protection Officer, (Data Protection Officer or DPO in the most common sense), introduced by the GDPR 679/2016, reconciles areas Legal, Computer scientists and organizational to ensure that personal data is processed in accordance with the law.

It is difficult for a single person, responsible for several companies, to do all this, but a company composed only of certified DPOs, experts in their field and constantly updated, yes!

The DPO can also be a legal entity!

Agile DPO cover image

DPO: Experts in Data Management and Security

Data management is an activity that involves multiple disciplines — legal, IT, organizational — and the data protection officer or DPO must be able to master all these aspects, guarantee to the authority that the company that appointed him collects and processes the data in accordance with the regulations, but also advise and support the company in the delicate task of protecting data. Our DPOs are lawyers, engineers, ISO auditors, teachers and consultants, privacy auditors, who have obtained certification from National and European Bodies. We work as a team for the secure management and protection of personal data.

We operate throughout the national territory and in several other European and non-EU countries

Agile DPO logo

What does the DPO

Its main responsibility is to observe, evaluate and organize the management of the processing of personal data within a company, so that these are treated in compliance with European and national privacy regulations. Specifically, it deals with:

  • Annual surveillance report
  • Inspection visits
  • Formation
Discover Agile DPO
Francesco Tessoni Agile Class

I casi di successo

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