Request a quote nowOur certified DPO staff will take care of your request and develop a personalized offer according to your needs.Describe your organizationMy line of business*Administration of workLink 2Administration of workIT servicesWeb agencyWeb marketing agencyProduction companyservice companyPersonal servicesPublic serviceHospitalCall CenterInternet Service ProviderOtherTHE AVERAGE COMPANY TURNOVER IS AROUND:*Select a rangeLink 2< €500 thousands> €500 thousands> €1 million> €5 million>€10 million> €20 million> €50 million> €100 million> €200 milion> €500 milionMY CUSTOMERS ARE*DropdownCompaniesConsumersBothNumber of locations *Number of employees *0 - 60-67-1516-99100-250over 250Website otherwise company name*We send newsletters periodicallyWe also have an e-commerce sitee-commerce address if different from the websiteSome information on privacy managementHas your company completed the GDPR compliance management course?YesNoI Don't KnowFOR privacy management, we use*Administration of workmanagement softwareA law firm or other professional (even internal)Both thingsWe have not decided yetNomine A number for external liability received (ex art.28 of the GDPR) *Select a range0From 1 to 10more than 10more than 50I don't knowwith regard to data processing1 - We process data that is transferred abroad (it does not concern data collected through a website or social network) 2 - We process personal data on behalf of third parties3 - We use (or sell) tracking systems for the company fleet (G.P.S.)I would like a quote for the service of:1 - GDPR compliance (to be updated or redone)2 - External DPO3 - Agile People4 - Agile Digital5 - I'm not sure what I needI would like to receive the reservation...Via e-mailVia telephone30-minute web-callbook now on Calendly.EMAIL*PHONE*For more details on how we manage your data, see our privacy policy.Thank you for filling out the formOops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.